33 Days Of Declarations

Changing your internal world by recognising your magnificence, your options and your willingness.

2 Minutes Daily.

Emily Petridis coach for sensitive women

We often get stuck simply because we lack the words—to describe ourselves, our needs, or what we’re going through.

Social media draws us in because it gives us language. Someone says exactly what we've needed to hear for years—without even realising it. Or they name a feeling that’s been shaping our self-worth and relationships in silence.

And suddenly, we feel seen. Language is liberating. It creates understanding. Understanding something is the first step to changing it—because once you acknowledge it, transformation can begin.

Declarations that awaken your soul. When you speak it, you claim it.

Change begins with clarity. If we can’t see what needs shifting, we might waste energy changing the wrong things.

These declarations are powerful—they rewire how we relate to ourselves and the world, creating ripples far beyond what we can immediately see.

At first, the shifts may feel subtle, almost invisible. But beneath the surface, they are creating deep, lasting impact.

Transformation doesn’t have to be a big, dramatic explosion. Real growth happens in ways that feel safe, gentle, and nurturing to every part of us.

33 days of declarations free email course


Words shape reality—speak yours into existence.

33 days of declarations free email course

Perspective + Desires

Things like saying yes, how you perceive changing directions in life and comparing yourself to others.

33 days of declarations free email course

Body, Energy + Sensitivity

Things like seeing your body as sacred, loving your sensitivity and striving for balance.

33 days of declarations free email course

Emotional States

Things like honouring your capacity for feeling triggered, releasing control and feeling authentic.

33 days of declarations free email course

Self Worth + Confidence

Things like being effected by heartbreak, trusting yourself and feeling safe to be you.

33 days of declarations free email course

Receptivity + Trust

Things like feeling present, knowing that you are powerful and capable to move forward.


The moment you enroll, you’ll receive a welcome email along with your first declaration—an invitation to say yes to what feels good. A simple, powerful way to begin.

Speak it out loud, write it in your journal, or do both—choose the practice that feels right for you.

From there, a new declaration will land in your inbox each day, guiding you through the journey, one step at a time


Everything I offer is rooted in one thing—trusting your own way. Whether it's this course or any other work with me, choose your way (and that will be right).

Daily self-love is powerful, and these declarations are designed to fit seamlessly into your life. Each one takes just two minutes (or less) to write, type, or speak.

You can repeat it throughout the day or say it once—whatever feels right. But at minimum, it’s just two minutes a day to anchor into yourself.

If most of our life is driven from the unconscious mind—then surely the best way to improve life is to give the mind better shit to think.

© Copyright 2025. Emily Petridis. All rights reserved. Terms of use.