Our relationship with food can give us great insights into who we are.

Food is, after all, a source of life that we ingest, digest and turn into energy for our body. More than just food; also the way we cook, dine and our practices around eating all effect our energy.

Many of us can become obsessed with what we eat as a means to feel better OR ignore it entirely as the powerful tool it can be.

There are endless amounts of 'experts' preaching guidelines to follow to feel healthy, eat healthy and get a healthy body. We can get lost following these rules and forget to check in with our own body.


The Food Relationship Journal

A question by question, subtle approach to better understand your relationship with food, eating and the places that create anxiousness or worry.

A question by question, subtle approach to better understand your relationship with food,

eating and the places that create anxiousness or worry.

66+ Questions For Self Knowing

Declaration & Mindful Eating Practices

Printable Workbook + Digital Format

Come Home To Your Body & Care For Your Energy

Just A Little Note:

This is not tracking your meals.

It’s tracking your experiences, your thoughts, your habits. The actual transformative stuff.

$ 9 AUD

To heal our relationship with food it requires just the right amount of attention and just the right amount of freedom.


I remember it like yesterday; the feelings of confusion, anxiety and chronic exhaustion. Turning to food seemed like the only answer.⁠

I would beeline to the shops like I was on auto-pilot and try to act casual while I was picking out foods I would binge eat.⁠ Then I'd crawl into bed ripping at the wrappers and shoving down bit by bit the variety of 'banned' foods I'd purchased. It felt good in that moment. But after...⁠

When the food ran out a wash of shame and intense regret would consume my body. I'd force myself to sleep hoping that when I woke up I'd forget what I'd done.⁠

Breaking this cycle was a long journey for me. Many of my answers came from deep, honest reflection around my relationship with food: enquiries much like the ones in this journal.

It takes courage to look into dark corners of who you are and make a commitment to discovering your light. Know, you don't have to do it alone.

Emily Petridis